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Wednesday, July 16, 2008


There is a point at the tip top of the tallest building
It means nothing.
There is a summit on the highest mountain
It means nothing.
There is a spot in the depths of the human heart that can only be found by true seekers
This is everything.

I float on clouds for days and weeks in an endless aurora
The peace, the calm, the progress never stops
There is no ceiling but the infinity of light and space
Continuity and complexity come from the simple, rawness of matter untouched
But it all has the same origin and goes to the same place
Only souls of men can choose this complexity or writhe in simplistic instability
The great perfection in this complexity is God, and we approach him or we balk in ignorance
For if it is done in pure knowledge, we deny our progression and our defiance destroys us

I cannot be taken from this path
The light and truth has penetrated my soul and filled my heart
It beats for life, love, and complexity
It beats for Godliness and charity
It cannot contain the glow
The fire burns and needs to fill the great expanse
A desire to love, teach, create, and grow into the everlasting
No bounds exist
I, we, all are limitless potential.

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